Peter L. Jackson

Design Coach and Educator

  • Explore how the process of Getting Design Right™ can clarify your objectives, isolate your critical needs, and deliver innovative solutions to your systems problems.
  • Incorporate system design techniques into your business management model or your product development process.
  • Involve the members of your organization through live or on-line short courses, seminars, or workshops targeted to your needs.
  • Engage your personnel in change management through gamification of your new processes.

My Background

Peter Jackson joined the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) in 2016 as head of the Engineering Systems and Design pillar. He has served as the Director of Aviation Studies Institute since its formation in 2019. Prior to coming to SUTD, Prof. Jackson served as the Director of the Cornell University Systems Engineering Program. He led the introduction of its online M. Eng. degree program in systems engineering which was subsequently ranked in the top eight such programs by US News and World Report. He is the author of an introductory text on systems engineering, Getting Design Right: A Systems Approach. He is a celebrated instructor of industrial engineering and the creator of dozens of experiential learning games and tools. He has consulted extensively with industrial firms, developing systems for production-inventory optimization, transportation scheduling, readiness-based sparing optimization, business simulation, and vendor-managed inventory optimization among others. He was named a “most valuable colleague” by General Motors in 2012. 

What I Offer

Design Education

I have spent the past 20 years developing a simple, repeatable process for design and systems architecting. I can create and deliver a customized course to meet your needs and even help you to develop your own unique design methodology.


I can develop custom games as part of your change management process to engage all levels of personnel in new ways of doing business.

Decision Science

I can develop data-driven optimization-based engines together with user interface prototypes for sales forecasting, production planning, transportation scheduling, and inventory management.

Data Science

I am currently developing online materials to teach data science using R and can easily customize short courses for the "citizen data scientist" audience.


Jackson, Peter L., 2009.  Getting Design Right: A Systems Approach  1st Edition, CRC Press. (ISBN-13: 978-1439811153)

On-Line Course Series

Udemy Online Course Six Part Series, Getting Design Right.

Choice, Chance and Consequence

Game Synopsis: The ‘Who Am I’ game helps you to perceive probabilities in terms of sets of features: The “chance” is a randomly-drawn mystery card with the identity of one of the characters hidden. The “choices” are what questions you ask to eliminate characters from consideration, based on their features. By a process of elimination you can identify the mystery character. The “consequences” are the number of questions it takes for you to identify the character. This is your score. You can be lucky or unlucky but, if you play multiple times, it is your skill at choosing the right questions that determines how well you do in the long run. See how computing conditional probabilities pays off. You can choose to play the basic or conditional game. The game can be played in Firefox or Chrome.

Tutorial Play basic version play with conditional probabilities


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